Chiropractic & Wellness

Chiropractic & Wellness

Choose a service to schedule

Ideal Protein

Ideal Protein Weekly Check In
If the time you need is not available, please call the office. We will do our best to accommodate your need. Thank you!
Ideal Protein Start Day Visit (call for appointment)
Prior to this appointment, you need to have had a consultation (complimentary) with Dr. Baheri. Schedule your free Ideal Protein consultation from this menu. Thank you!
IP Free Consultation


New Patient Visit (call for appointment)
If you are new to Chiropractic & Wellness, you need to call 540-656-2980 to make a new patient appointment. If you wish to schedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation, you may do so from this menu.
Chiropractic Visit
This service is ONLY if you are currently a chiropractic patient in our office. If you are new and would like to make a new patient appointment, please call us @ 540-656-2980.
Free Consultation
Or feel free to call us @ 540-656-2980, and we will be happy to set you up with a free consultation!
Directions 904 Princess Anne Street, #307, Fredericksburg, VA, USA